Human Education

Integrating Human Education as an essential part of a broader, bolder educational approach for the 21st century is crucial. A child is a vital member of a family, a community, and the world. This type of education is not just about academic learning; it’s about nurturing hearts and minds to create a future that is capable of saving humanity.

The scope for this new Human Education is vast. Today, teachers are increasingly fearful of their students, and schools often need to implement strict security measures to ensure safety. The rise in criminality, prejudice, and hatred among younger children is alarming. From Littleton, Colorado, to Sarajevo and Bosnia, what has gone wrong? The tragic truth is that the perpetrators of violence were once innocent children.

                                  ‘We need a proper education in the three schools of humanity: the home, the school and society’

Children today are more apprehensive, insecure, and fearful. The global rise in terrorism, environmental degradation, and community violence compounds these issues. Many of these challenges are global, but they are also deeply connected to the lack of proper education in the three schools of humanity: the home, the school, and society.

If the future of humanity lies within the four walls of a school, can we use Human Education to reduce conflict and build peace? Can we change hearts by planting the seeds of love and understanding from the youngest ages? Can diverse viewpoints and people unite for the common cause of children’s welfare?

While formal schooling cannot solve all of humanity’s problems, schools can strive to provide a balanced education that combines Human and Spiritual Education with Material Education. Is there evidence that Human Education can lead to the outcomes we seek—such as a more tolerant world?


Embracing Diversity through Human Education

“Even coexistence cannot be taught unless diversity is experienced, acknowledged, and appreciated.”

Children must learn not only to work together and tolerate differences but to genuinely love and appreciate the uniqueness of others, regardless of their views, habits, cultures, or traditions. The current form of multicultural education often focuses on the “4 Fs”: Food, Festivals, Flags, and Fabrics. While these elements create awareness, they do not go far enough in fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of human diversity.

True Human Education teaches children to recognize the fundamental unity of the human race—a unity based on diversity, not sameness. As M. Scott Peck beautifully states, we must learn to “share our similarities, celebrate our differences.” Children should learn to appreciate and embrace diversity more than sameness. A garden filled with flowers of the same color and size is far less beautiful than one bursting with diversity. Likewise, the diversity of the human race enhances the beauty of our world.

Prejudice is not innate; it is learned from the environment. Human Education can teach children to be open-minded, to explore different ways of thinking, and to appreciate the rich diversity of the human race. These are essential ingredients for an education that prepares children for the 21st century.


Global Understanding through Human Education

Global understanding must move beyond academic knowledge to the actual experience of diversity. International exchanges and diverse school communities offer children the opportunity to appreciate the good in others from an early age. Programs like Children’s International Summer Villages (CISV) and the International School to School Experience (ISSE) go beyond intellectual understanding; they create bonds of love and understanding that last a lifetime.

Schools that host student delegations find these experiences to be life-changing. The Human Education model implemented at City Montessori School (CMS) has shown how a school can bring together hearts from diverse countries to focus on common goals, particularly the welfare of children.

In the past two decades, CMS has sent 72 delegations comprising 358 participants to 17 countries and hosted 177 delegations comprising 926 participants from 25 countries. These exchanges build bridges of understanding and create a culture of peace.


Human Education at CMS: A Model for the Future

CMS creates numerous opportunities for personal interaction among diverse student groups. The school organizes 32 international exchanges and events annually at its World Unity Convention Center, which includes two guest houses specifically built for this purpose. Since 2001, CMS has welcomed 5,020 schools from all 28 states of India and 72 countries abroad to participate in conferences and events. These experiences have not only helped students learn from one another but also allowed them to better understand and appreciate the Broader, Bolder model of Human Education being implemented at CMS.

Since 1972, CMS has been sending teams of children for international exchanges around the world. The school also hosts its own CISV Camp each year, where children from ten to thirteen countries live together for a month, learning the values of Human Education.

These are:

  1. Making a quality person through International Students’ Quality Control Circles ICSQCC –Kanpur Road Campus, Quality Building.
  2. Celebrating English Literature through Odyssey International – Mahanagar Campus I, Lighthouse Building.
  3. Developing a passion for Mathematics through International Young Mathematicians Convention – Gomti Nagar Campus, Global Understanding Building.
  4. Developing a flair for science through International Science Fair QUANTA – Chowk Campus, Integration Building.
  5. Creating Maths wizards through Wizards at Mathematics International WIZMIC – RDSO Campus, Wisdom Building.
  6. Developing a spirit of healthy competition through MACFAIR International – Mahanagar Campus II, Excellence Building.
  7. Expanding knowledge of computers through COFAS International – Station Road Campus, Vasudhaiv Kutumbukam Building (Earth is One Home)
  8. Widening awareness of the world through International Geography Olympiad GEOFEST –Mahanagar Campus III, Character Building.
  9. Educating our future through International Youth Festival of Biotechnology QUEST – Rajendra Nagar Campus I, Peace Building.
  10. Learning about history through International Youth Festival of History & Civics REFLECTIONS –Rajendra Nagar Campus III, Kindness Building.
  11. Promoting Cosmic awareness through International Astronomy Olympiad – Chowk Campus, Integration Building
  12. Creating Healthy Body Healthy Minds through International Sports Olympiad EXSPO –RDSO Campus, Wisdom Building.
  13. Celebrating discovery through International Cultural-Literary Function EUREKA – Anandnagar Campus, Service Building.
  14. Deepening emotions through International Music Festival CELESTA – Aliganj Campus I, Harmony Building.
  15. Finding ones talents through International Education Fair – Personality Development and Career Counseling Department, Jai-Jagat! Building (Hail the World)
  16. Entertaining while educating through International Children’s Film Festival – CMS Films Division, Jai-Jagat! Building (Hail the World)
  17. Encouraging creativity and innovation through International Innovations Day – Jopling Road Campus, Family Building.
  18. Eliminating differences through Children’s International Summer Village (C.I.S.V.) Camp, Jai-Jagat! Building, Inspection Department.
  19. Understanding beauty of the inner soul through International Innerscape, Lighthouse Building, CMS Mahanagar Campus I.
  20. Nurturing global understanding through International School-to-School Exchange Programme (I.S.S.E.), Jai-Jagat Building, Inspection.
  21. Celebrating oneness through Commonwealth Youth Conference, Global Understanding Building, Gomti Nagar Campus.
  22. Striving for a peaceful world through SAARC Youth Festival, Consultation Building, Rajendra Nagar Campus III.
  23. Promoting cross cultural awareness through International Youth Festival, Rajajipuram Campus, Friendship Building
  24. Promoting sustainable development through World Peace Festival, Indiranagar Campus, Communal Harmony Building
  25. Expanding knowledge through World Unity Summit and International Educational Technology Development Programme, Kanpur Road Campus, Quality Building,
  26. Increasing prosperity for all through International Youth Convention on Global Economics and Commerce, Station Road Campus, Vashudhaiv Kutumbukam Building,

    Events for Principals and Decision Makers

  27. Evolving Effective Teaching Methods, International Conference of Pre-Primary and Primary Principals, Jai-Jagat! Building, CMS, Quality Assurance Department.
  28. Creating world citizens through International Conference on Global Trends and Innovations in Education – GLOBAL TIE, Rajajipuram Campus I, Friendship Building.
  29. Changing the direction of education through Ed Leadership – An International Roundtable for Educators Worldwide, Jai-Jagat! Building, CMS Innovation Wing
  30. Promoting peace and unity through International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, Jai-Jagat! Building, World Unity Education Department (WUED).
  31. Building mutual trust through International Conference on promoting Interfaith Discourse in Multi-Religious Community, Unity Building, Asharfabad Campus.
  32. Addressing growing criminality in and against children, International Media Conference on Growing Criminality In and Against Children, Jai-Jagat Building, World Unity Education Department (WUED)

In the context of Human Education, global understanding must extend beyond mere academic appreciation to encompass a profound experience of diversity. Service learning, a crucial component of Broader Bolder Education, integrates community service with learning outside the classroom, enabling students to engage in meaningful service while reflecting on their experiences. This approach not only breathes life into the curriculum but also connects learning to real-world situations.

At City Montessori School (CMS), Human Education is geared towards preparing students for a life of service, nurturing their resolve, and honing leadership skills to assist those in need. This education emphasizes that service is more than charity; it is a way of life. By instilling a desire to serve, CMS aims to produce proactive agents of social transformation.

CMS students regularly participate in environmental and conservation projects, embodying the principles of Human Education. For example, the Clean Gomti Campaign inspired students from Riverlands School in Australia to initiate a similar project in their country. Moreover, CMS students lead annual campaigns against noise pollution during Diwali, advocating for a pollution-free celebration.

The school’s Broader Bolder Education approach extends to cross-cultural interaction, as seen in its peace floats and marches during the Republic Day Parade. These activities, based on themes of peace, have earned CMS accolades, including the Governor Trophy and the Best Float Award multiple times over the past 26 years.

CMS also fosters interfaith dialogue through various initiatives, including the World Unity Satsang. This non-denominational gathering, attended by people of different faiths, promotes tolerance, non-violence, and world peace. Distinguished leaders and musicians participate in these gatherings, contributing to the school’s efforts in building a peaceful and harmonious community.

The unique World Peace Prayer Ceremony at CMS further embodies Human Education. In this ceremony, children hold flags of different nations and pray for peace across the globe. The inclusion of All Religions Prayer in daily assemblies and events fosters a deep respect for diverse religious beliefs, creating peace-loving individuals who are tolerant of differences.

In a city historically marred by religious conflicts, CMS has been instrumental in promoting peaceful coexistence. The school’s initiatives have played a significant role in preventing violence during tense periods, such as the Ayodhya Mosque incident in 1992. This success has been recognized globally, with CMS students sharing their experiences with interfaith groups in the UK, reinforcing the school’s commitment to Human Education.

CMS’s Indo-Pak Children’s Initiative is another testament to the power of Human Education. Initiated during the 1999 Kargil conflict, this project fostered friendships between Indian and Pakistani students through letter exchanges and later, physical exchanges. Despite political tensions, CMS successfully hosted Pakistani delegations, and these interactions have contributed to changing mindsets and rekindling mutual trust between the two nations.

A few extracts of letters sent to and received from the schools in Pakistan are posted on the following links:



Children’s Appeal to the Chief Justices and Policy Makers Worldwide

In a world facing complex challenges like displaced populations, international terrorism, poverty, and environmental degradation, CMS has taken bold steps to advocate for a new system of global governance that transcends national boundaries. While acknowledging the significant contributions of the United Nations, CMS has emphasized the urgent need for proactive and collaborative efforts by governments worldwide, particularly the Indian government, to address these pressing issues.

The Power of a Children’s Appeal

CMS’s innovative approach to advocacy is underscored by its successful media campaigns that appeal directly to governments and policymakers. A recent campaign, invoking Article 51 of the Constitution of India, called for the promotion of international peace and security. This campaign has garnered widespread support, including endorsements from influential individuals such as Member of Parliament, Mr. Shanta Kumar, who pledged his support for relevant legislation.

This initiative highlights the unique power of children’s voices in advocacy. Appeals made by children have often proven to be more impactful than those made by adults, resonating deeply with both the public and policymakers.

The Conference of the Chief Justices: A Platform for Global Judicial Collaboration

The CMS children’s appeal has also found strong support within the global judiciary. Over the years, CMS has successfully organized the International Conference of the Chief Justices of the World, bringing together 358 Chief Justices and Judges from 92 countries. These legal luminaries have not only endorsed Article 51 of the Indian Constitution but also recognized it as a crucial tool for ensuring the safety and well-being of the world’s children.

At the 10th Conference in December 2009, a historic resolution was unanimously passed, underscoring the significance of such gatherings. This achievement is particularly remarkable given that it was organized by a school in Lucknow, India, rather than a government body.

Inspiring Future Generations

The impact of these conferences extends beyond the legal community. Many CMS students have been inspired to pursue careers in law, motivated by a desire to promote justice and contribute to a peaceful world. The recognition and awards CMS has received, such as the Nuclear-Free Future Special Achievement Award and the title of ‘Global Friend’ by the World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child, Sweden, further validate the school’s efforts.

Education as a Lighthouse for Society

The broader message of CMS’s initiatives is that schools can serve as lighthouses for society, guiding communities towards peace and unity. By fostering a global mindset and encouraging children to think about world affairs, schools can help build a generation of proactive agents of social transformation.

Against the backdrop of narrow nationalism, CMS has championed the greeting ‘Jai Jagat!’ – ‘Hail the World!’ This reflects the school’s commitment to creating world citizens who prioritize global welfare over narrow, national interests.

Building Unity Through Education

CMS’s approach to education has not only transformed the mindset of its students but also influenced parents and the broader community. Initially, programs like the All Religions Prayer faced resistance from parents. However, over time, these initiatives have been recognized as vital in promoting tolerance and understanding.

The experience in Lucknow, a city historically prone to religious conflicts, demonstrates that schools can play a pivotal role in fostering peace and unity. By bringing together children from diverse backgrounds and involving parents and the community in outreach efforts, CMS has shown that it is possible to build trust and mutual understanding from a young age.

A Model for the World

CMS’s relentless efforts have made it a global model for world unity education. The school’s motto, ‘Jai Jagat!’ – ‘Hail the World!’, has resonated far beyond Lucknow, inspiring similar efforts worldwide. CMS has proven that true education is not just about academic achievement but also about nurturing the capacities and vision needed to become self-motivated agents of social transformation.

In the 21st century, education must be redefined to recognize its role in transforming individual lives and entire societies. CMS’s initiatives underscore that education is a continuous and creative process that equips children with the spiritual, moral, and material knowledge necessary for the enrichment and progress of society.


In summary, Human Education at CMS is not merely an academic endeavor but a holistic approach that nurtures a sense of service, promotes peace, and fosters global understanding. Through service learning and cross-cultural initiatives, CMS is preparing students to become compassionate, responsible global citizens who are committed to making the world a better place.

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