
Divine Education

“Spiritual understanding combined with reason expands a child’s ability to perceive, empathize, and comprehend more profoundly.”

A child’s spirit is nurtured by a school environment that inspires and uplifts. The future of humanity hinges on the quality of this environment within the four walls of a school. The soft side of education—school ethos—has a profound impact on a child’s psychology, nourishing their inner spirit. Just as our spirit is drawn to places of worship or the beauty of nature, so too must a child’s spirit be drawn to their school. Schools must cultivate a new culture, fostering a climate of encouragement and divine education.

At CMS, daily prayer assemblies are meticulously designed to be spiritually nourishing. The integration of All-Religion Prayers before every event is a unique approach to teaching children to embrace diversity, creating awareness and reverence for all religions. Students dressed in traditional attire of various faiths offer their prayers, one group after another. The melodious prayers, performed in an atmosphere of reverence, deeply resonate with the emotions of a child, profoundly touching their spirits.

A Broader, Bolder Approach to Divine Education

In a broader, bolder educational framework, special care is taken to teach children respect for all religions. Values are embedded in every school activity, integrated into all subjects, and reinforced through family education programs. One measure of successful education is a child’s inclination towards spirituality and their aspiration to become good, virtuous individuals. They develop personal values, appreciate the importance of their spiritual lives, and strive to lead conscious, meaningful lives.

At CMS, values are taught in a non-intrusive manner to a diverse student body that includes Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Baha’is, Parsis, and followers of other faiths. This complex task has been successfully executed through years of research and the perfection of methods aimed at developing spirituality in children. CMS has matured in its ability to foster tolerance, acceptance, and respect for diverse beliefs and viewpoints, nurturing an appreciation for others and guiding students towards virtuous lives. As a result, CMS has influenced several generations of children and their families, instilling in them the goals of peace and unity. This has led to a non-sectarian yet spiritually enriched approach to divine education.

Parents from various faiths, who were initially hesitant about CMS’s practices, now deeply appreciate the spiritual focus their children receive. Many parents choose CMS for their children because of the school’s emphasis on inculcating values, fostering prayerfulness and thankfulness, and prioritizing the development of a child’s spiritual reality.

From All-Religion Prayer Ceremonies to daily educational and spiritual discourses broadcast on cable television and radio, CMS extends its influence to parents and society at large. These discourses serve as regular reminders against religious and communal factionalism. CMS has thus inspired millions of people nationwide to embrace the goals of harmonious living and peaceful coexistence.

A New Responsibility and Expanded Role for Schools

“A school community can transform the lives of individuals, families, and society.”

As parents become increasingly unable to provide spiritual nourishment to their children, schools must assume this new responsibility. They must set and meet new standards of ethical conduct. By demonstrating the effectiveness of this broader, bolder divine education, CMS has not only become a valuable experiment but has also helped hundreds of thousands around the globe recognize the importance of spiritual education in the schooling process.

It is evident that education plays a critical role in determining whether a child becomes a beacon of light in this world or its darkness. Without a broader, bolder education rooted in spiritual principles, society lacks a solid foundation, leaving individuals directionless, anchorless, and hollow. The city of Lucknow provides a microcosmic example of the impact of this divine education, where CMS’s consistent efforts over several years have yielded remarkable results.

For instance, when religious riots erupted across India following the demolition of a medieval mosque in Ayodhya, violence and killings swept the nation. However, Lucknow remained calm, despite being the capital of Uttar Pradesh, the state where the demolition occurred, and despite its proximity to Ayodhya, just 80 miles away. Many attribute this exception to the long-term impact of the divine education provided by CMS on the citizens of Lucknow.

Numerous eyewitness accounts document these successes, including “A Bold Experiment in Teaching Values” (Educational Leadership, USA, May 1996), “35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World” (European Centre for Conflict Prevention, The Netherlands, 1999), and “Conflict Resolution: 50 Success Stories from Around the World” (Oxford University Press, UK, September 2001).

Such a tremendous impact is only possible through efforts that prioritize qualities of the heart over qualities of the mind, love over hatred, peace over conflict, and respect and reverence for all forms of life.

Transforming Education into a Journey of Enlightenment

“With creative methods that address all aspects of a child’s development, this tunnel of learning is transformed into a tunnel of enlightenment.”

Through the integration of divine education, CMS has created a nurturing environment that not only educates but also enlightens, shaping children into individuals who are spiritually grounded, morally upright, and committed to the ideals of peace and unity.

Broader, Bolder Education Prioritizes Spiritual and Human Development

Broader, Bolder education places significant emphasis on spiritual and human development, stretching the boundaries of what can be achieved through education. At CMS, this approach has proven that schools can indeed create a new reality, even in the face of societal challenges. The school environment, where children spend 14 formative years, becomes a transformative space—a tunnel of enlightenment. Here, education is not just about academic success; it is about nurturing a child’s entire being, helping them emerge as enlightened citizens of both their local community and the world.

The impact of this approach is evident. Studies and observations have shown that CMS students are more aware of their true potential, more spiritually attuned, and deeply rooted in values and virtues. They possess a sense of mission and strive for excellence in all they do. CMS stands as a beacon, an oasis in the educational landscape, recognized by parents who choose this school for its holistic approach. This is why CMS holds the Guinness World Record as the largest school in the world since 1999.

Broader, Bolder education, with its focus on spiritual and human development, not only enriches children’s lives but also enhances their academic performance. When education is framed within a broader context, it becomes more meaningful and effective. CMS is a testament to this, demonstrating that even in a large, diverse school setting, students can consistently achieve outstanding results. By integrating spiritual education with academic preparation, CMS engages the highest potential in each child, motivating them from within and making their lives more purposeful.

In this education model, the pursuit of excellence becomes a core value. Students develop an internal drive to excel, pushing the boundaries of their spiritual and human potential. They aspire to become ‘Total Quality Persons’ (TQPs), balanced in all aspects of life. It is no surprise that CMS students have won numerous awards in various disciplines, excelling in music, arts, and sciences, while also becoming conscious and compassionate individuals.

The influence of CMS’s approach extends beyond its campuses. CMS literature on spiritual education has been translated and adopted in several countries, including Macau, China, Russia, and Zimbabwe. In South Africa, a Member of Parliament has implemented CMS’s “Excellence in Character” series in many schools over the last two years. The model of divine education provided by CMS is attracting global attention.

Spirituality and Music: Nurturing the Soul

Music plays a crucial role in deepening spirituality at CMS. It is considered essential for nurturing the inner spirit of the child. The result is a vibrant community where students, teachers, and parents engage in creative endeavors, writing new songs and producing soul-stirring music. These original compositions, inspired by the school’s vision, help deepen emotions and nurture the spirit.

Inculcating Values Through Cinema

CMS also utilizes school cinema to promote values and inspire children. The CMS Film Division produces children’s films that align with the school’s philosophy of “Jai Jagat” (“Hail the World”) and “Vasudhaiv Kutumbukam” (“The Earth is One Family”). These films, such as Anmol Ratna (“Priceless Pearl”), Maa (“Mother”), and Roshani (“Light”), are shown throughout the year at a centrally located cinema. CMS also hosts an International Children’s Film Festival, with the 9th edition concluding in April 2017.

Communicating the Vision Through Radio and Print

CMS operates two FM radio stations (90.4 MHz) in Lucknow, using radio as a powerful medium to communicate its educational vision. Additionally, local newspapers regularly publish articles on broader education topics, further spreading the school’s message.

This holistic approach to education at CMS, with its emphasis on spiritual and human development, demonstrates the transformative power of divine education. It shapes students into well-rounded individuals, ready to contribute positively to society and the world.


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