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About our


(JYEP) is a transformative moral education initiative tailored for youth aged 12 to 15, a crucial period when their understanding of life and personal identity begins to take shape. This phase marks a significant transition from childhood to adolescence, where ideas, values, and worldviews are developed, influencing their long-term growth and direction.

JYEP aims to empower junior youth by introducing them to a variety of enriching and transformative experiences. These opportunities help them express themselves with clarity, deepen their spiritual insights, and cultivate a strong commitment to fostering peace, love, and unity. By nurturing their innate potential and developing their capacity to contribute positively to society, the programme enables them to become proactive agents of personal and social change.

Through the Junior Youth Empowerment Programme, young individuals are equipped with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and contribute to building a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Adolescence is a pivotal stage where intellectual and spiritual powers begin to manifest. Educators have highlighted how junior youth show a natural curiosity for theoretical problems beyond everyday realities. They are seen as vital contributors to social change, offering their energy to both preserving what remains true and transforming what has lost meaning.

One thinker described adolescence as a time when individuals, though still growing, are ready to receive knowledge and experience with an intensity that can transform society into a vibrant, loving organism. This is the potential of adolescence—a time of profound transformation.


The program is built around a set of 16 books, studied over a period of three years. Each book provides a mix of intellectual, moral, and spiritual insights designed to stimulate thoughtful conversation and personal reflection.

Starting JYEP in Neighbourhood

Starting a Junior Youth Empowerment Programme in your neighborhood can have a lasting impact on young people. Here’s how to begin:
1. Define your vision and goals > 2. Build a team > 3. Establish partnerships> 4. Use available curriculum > 5. Set up a space Recruit participants.

Volunteers from CMS have already started Junior Youth groups in their neighborhoods, and we encourage more animators to establish similar groups across Lucknow.

Service Projects

In today’s world, many focus solely on personal material gain, causing service to be overlooked. Service, however, doesn’t require grand resources—at its heart, it is the selfless act of helping others with whatever means we have. It empowers individuals and communities to take charge of their lives and actively contribute to transforming the world.

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Empowering Junior Youth for a Brighter Future


The Junior Youth Empowerment Programme (JYEP) is a comprehensive initiative designed to foster the intellectual, moral, and spiritual development of young people aged 12 to 15. Through a structured curriculum and hands-on community engagement, we help junior youth navigate the critical period of adolescence, empowering them to make meaningful contributions to society.

Moral & Spiritual Growth

Exploring ethical dilemmas and the role of virtues in personal and social development.

Understanding Society

Analyzing social structures and discussing ways to contribute positively to the community.

Creative Expression

Encouraging participants to express their thoughts and experiences through art, writing, and group discussions.

Animators, trained facilitators who guide the junior youth through the program, engage participants in thought-provoking discussions and practical activities that reinforce the curriculum's teachings.

Structure of the Programme

Three-Year Program: The Junior Youth study one book every few months, allowing for deep engagement with the material. The same group of youth stays together under the mentorship of an animator, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared growth.

Regular Sessions: Groups meet weekly or bi-weekly to study the books, discuss relevant topics, and plan service projects.

Service Projects: An integral part of the program, these projects allow junior youth to put their learning into practice by participating in initiatives that benefit their local communities.

Role of Animators

Animators are not just teachers; they are mentors who inspire, guide, and facilitate the growth of junior youth. By building meaningful relationships, animators create a supportive environment where participants feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, asking questions, and exploring their potential.

Engaging in Community Service

At the heart of the JYEP is a commitment to service. Junior youth are encouraged to identify needs within their communities and work collaboratively to address them. These projects range from educational campaigns to environmental initiatives, and they are designed to:
- Develop a sense of responsibility towards others.
- Strengthen social bonds within the community.
- Cultivate empathy, collaboration, and a willingness to contribute to the common good.


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